
Published - A Follow Up

Awhile ago []I had a post celebrating my getting published. A year later there's finally a pdf up on the web, so for my own sake,

All Tomorrow's Parties

If you need audio to go with this post, listen to the track at the bottom of this post [] on NPR Music.

This Month in Android Shots

[]And that's how I start a post made of just pictures from my android phone. As you'll

Let's get our nerd on

Research has gotten the wheels spinning lately, and I've been diving into ever-more technical papers after finish off the book [].  Speaking of papers, did I mention


Look at me, I'm published! M.A. Enlow, T. Ju, I.A. Kakadiaris, and J.P. Carson, "Lossless 3-D reconstruction and registration of semiquantitative gene expression data in the mouse