Boards 'n Brits

A quick stop in the UK to see two of my favorites.

Boards 'n Brits

To make it worth flying over the Atlantic Ocean I tacked a stopover in Britain onto the end of my Spain trip. Well, really I did it because how could I resist seeing two of my oldest friends who are normally so far from me? And what a treat to get to see Ryan and Tammy again after having just had them visit me for the first time back in October.

Colette joined us for a few days as well; if you look back in the very earliest blog posts here, you'll find photos of the four of us all back when we were living in Japan...

Ryan, Tammy, and Colette

In a quick four days together we had delicious meals, tasty cockies, took lovely little walks in cold spring weather, and played many-a-boardgame at many-a-pub.

Tams & The Dead of Winter
Ryan's scotch collection

Not a single day did I break out my big camera; only my cellphone documented my passage of time there.

Oh. And I endlessly played the new Zelda on Ryan's Switch like I was a teenager...

Game of the winter: Space Base