Dogs and Dancing

Time flew after Drew and Joy's wedding. The Fourth of July came and went, and a week later I was already back in Wyoming. Before that, though, Megan and I had a pretty great day hiding from high temps in Oak Creek before joining a celebration re: the joining of two climbers.
Oak Creek
(I feel like this will be Megan's favorite of all my blog posts...)
Climbers Get Married!
Flag locals and friends-of-Megan Mark and Anna were tying the knot, and I got to wear my wedding shirt and pants for the third time that summer as Megan's +1.
The ceremony happened out north of town in the woods. Each of us held a pretty rock in our hands during the ceremony, thinking good thoughts all the while. Then we gave them back for the couple to hold onto forever and ever.
Then we boogied down, 'cause baby, there was two kegs and a live band.
At some point Megan and Molly ganged up on the ring-bearer (not Frodo) slash ... song singer kid. It did not go well for them when he whipped a laser sword out of nowhere.
Full sprint in full length dress, 's'my girl