Flag Townie

Flag Townie

Early in the year, I said I "moved" to Flagstaff as something of a joke. When you've been on the move constantly for the last two years, what does it mean to "move" anywhere? But here I am, with all these photos that tell the story of a life confined to one geographic locale.

Matt Rents a Camera

As alluded to in other posts, I sent my GH4 in for repairs that took about a month to complete. I rented a Sony A7rii while my mft setup was in the shop and had it sent to Flagstaff.

The day I got it I walked around town shooting random things, trying to build the muscle memory for the new camera's keys and dials. I immediately noticed something different with this new setup (which was physically much larger than my normal rig): people went out of their way to not intrude into whatever scene I was setting up. People noticed the massive piece of glass (the GM 2.8 24-70) I had on the body and assumed I meant business and was not to be interrupted. It was weird. Contrast that with my GH4, which is small enough to almost pass as a casual point-and-shoot. With that, people assume I'm just a tourist and don't really worry about things.


Old flyer staples on a power line pole


the weatherford


A late start gave us harsh light for lots of it, but I got to try out the new camera one morning shooting my new "roommate" Scott riding down some gnarly trails.

Scott kitchen


When he picked up some new helmet and glasses sponsors, I shot those as well (on yet another rented camera, which I sent back after just a day).

scott reflective

scott bike glasses

I shared mornings and meals and coffees with the new roomies, and spent lots of time playing with doggos and enjoying the warming weather.



Megan B&W

Bobby Shrive

I got to be good friends with a Laramie man I never met when we were both Laramites. More than a few evenings were passed enjoyably at 604 Birch, eating Bob's good eats and helping myself to his beers.



bob leaning in his door
The man hisself

bobs place

Bob has a neurotic hound named Alby who feared me until he loved me. His love is demonstrated with frenetic leaps into my private bits. Sometimes Bob and I went on short walks together, but one evening we took a long one with June and Bender to boot.

dog walking

june in the woods alone

wooded sunset

june vroom

alby vroom

alby vroom 2

bob and alby

bob's back

Bob was also my go-to man for climbing out at The Pit, Flag's limestone "Le Petit Verdon".

the pit

The Pit

Thinking of Limestone. I climbed that with Wade and Alicia once during my time in Flag, out at Jack's Canyon.

jacks alicia
jacks wade


When I wasn't living at Megan and Scott's place, or Bob's place, I was hanging with the Molls. She biked a lot.

molly silhouette

She also taught me the joys of Tourist Home, which became a go-to work (& breakfast burrito) destination for me.

molly at thome

Megan's Furballs

Megan has a dog she likes quite a lot.

megan and june on the sidewalk

Before work dog walking

Her dog has a boyfriend.

june and bender stick

bender really jumping

june jupming w bender



And uh, yeah. Yeah, I think that's it for my spring in Flagstaff.

I was back in a month, though. So that's coming.

