Flag Townie

Early in the year, I said I "moved" to Flagstaff as something of a joke. When you've been on the move constantly for the last two years, what does it mean to "move" anywhere? But here I am, with all these photos that tell the story of a life confined to one geographic locale.
Matt Rents a Camera
As alluded to in other posts, I sent my GH4 in for repairs that took about a month to complete. I rented a Sony A7rii while my mft setup was in the shop and had it sent to Flagstaff.
The day I got it I walked around town shooting random things, trying to build the muscle memory for the new camera's keys and dials. I immediately noticed something different with this new setup (which was physically much larger than my normal rig): people went out of their way to not intrude into whatever scene I was setting up. People noticed the massive piece of glass (the GM 2.8 24-70) I had on the body and assumed I meant business and was not to be interrupted. It was weird. Contrast that with my GH4, which is small enough to almost pass as a casual point-and-shoot. With that, people assume I'm just a tourist and don't really worry about things.
Old flyer staples on a power line pole
A late start gave us harsh light for lots of it, but I got to try out the new camera one morning shooting my new "roommate" Scott riding down some gnarly trails.
When he picked up some new helmet and glasses sponsors, I shot those as well (on yet another rented camera, which I sent back after just a day).
I shared mornings and meals and coffees with the new roomies, and spent lots of time playing with doggos and enjoying the warming weather.
Bobby Shrive
I got to be good friends with a Laramie man I never met when we were both Laramites. More than a few evenings were passed enjoyably at 604 Birch, eating Bob's good eats and helping myself to his beers.
The man hisself
Bob has a neurotic hound named Alby who feared me until he loved me. His love is demonstrated with frenetic leaps into my private bits. Sometimes Bob and I went on short walks together, but one evening we took a long one with June and Bender to boot.
Bob was also my go-to man for climbing out at The Pit, Flag's limestone "Le Petit Verdon".
Thinking of Limestone. I climbed that with Wade and Alicia once during my time in Flag, out at Jack's Canyon.
When I wasn't living at Megan and Scott's place, or Bob's place, I was hanging with the Molls. She biked a lot.
She also taught me the joys of Tourist Home, which became a go-to work (& breakfast burrito) destination for me.
Megan's Furballs
Megan has a dog she likes quite a lot.
Before work dog walking
Her dog has a boyfriend.
And uh, yeah. Yeah, I think that's it for my spring in Flagstaff.
I was back in a month, though. So that's coming.