Holidays Part 7, Keihanna Commemorative Park

けいはんな記念公園 Keihanna Commemorative Park
At last we've come to the end of the holiday series of posts. And really, it's nothing but lovely pictures. Cheers! But before I launch into those, just one little story for the next photo.
Elmer's Dragon

The new year is the year of the dragon and my 24th birthday. In other words, I'm a dragon (this sentence taken out of context is rad). Okaasan gave me the dragon bell in the photo above since it's my year, and I told her how I'd been obsessed with dragons as a kid and what a great gift it was. Surely, this obsession came from all the books I read, and was read, as a kid. This made her ask, have you ever read the ones with Elmer in them?
I was shocked. I've never met anyone in America other than my family who knows of those books - my dad had read them to me as a child (just like they'd been read to him as a child) and I'd loved them since. Apparently, the books are much more popular in Japan. Okaasan had read them to her own kids when they were children. I figured this was something I had to photo and share with my dad.
Right, serendipity covered, back to the park.
Keihanna Commemorative Park
Okaasan, Adam and I all went to a wonderful park in Seikachou, the city in Kyoto Prefecture where Okaasan lives. It's definitely the nicest park I've seen inside of a Japanese city, but, I've got not so much to say about it, but a lot to show.