The Family Friendly Crag

Two families and a workbag at the Iris.

The Family Friendly Crag

I parked next to Stebbins's car in the main lot at the Iris. Hailey and Baby Stebbins walked into view and were warmly surprised at my presence (well, Hailey was. Baby Stebbins didn't give two poops). I discovered that my text messages hadn't been received, and no one knew I was coming. Sweet.

It was early in the season for the Iris yet. The heavy snow through the winter made for a wet spring. Up in the forests of OK Corral at 8000', only a few of the camp sites were accessible. Wild Iris's final great snow drift blocked the rest.

Rather than being forced to camp down in the Aspens, so far from the one toilet, I convinced the boys to grab shit shovels and get to work. We also wrangled in a couple of folks who had originally decided that sleeping in the parking lot was good enough for them.

I ended up needing more rest than I’d thought I would after my week of trying hard at Ten Sleep. My finger injury was more taxed than I’d figured at the canyon. So, I sat back and just got to have quality time with the family and enjoy being an enthusiastic and supportive belay bitch.

Claim Jumper

Z on La Vaca Pelligrosa

Stebbins the man


We camped at my favorite little spot, where long ago a Swedish shaman had built a bonfire and a bearded man had laughed heartily infront of a rainbow.



The sunset views of the Winds up there are hard to beat.



The families had themselves a very good time.
