The Loop Drainage

After a day off following our epic on Green, Nathaniel, Jenn, Maciej and I skinned back up the Loop drainage. Avalanche dangers had risen substantially over the last two days - as expected - so we were aiming for mellower terrain.
The Elephant's Trunk once again wins "most interesting skin track terrain", and this time, thanks to the new snow, it really was a skinner rather than a packer.
Maciej's six-year-old binding gave out on him on the way up. For the second time only three of us got to do any actual skiing.
Our out started on a short, aggressive slope...
... that eased to the point that I just kept my board pointed straight, chasing in the trails of the skiers with my camera clicking along the way.
The skies were covered over with a storm that stayed with us for the rest of our trip, but every now and then a hint of blue would shine through.
Jenn was sweet enough to take my camera from me when we found the pillow-encumbered rock that Nathaniel had pointed on the way up...