The Way Back South

Megan and I had concocted a fun little plan for reuniting at Joy's wedding (I was her "+1"). She was going to fly from Phoenix to Denver, where Ahab and I would pick her up. The three of us would then road trip it down to a town outside of Pueblo, with a stop at Shelf Road along the way, because we are who we are.
I used the Denver route as an excuse to stay with my favorite Boulderite. OG broached going up the Second Flatiron and I happily agreed. I'd been hearing about the flatties since college, and was excited to check one out.
Rye, Colorado
The stopover in Shelf was brief: damn it was hot there. We moved on and spent a pleasant afternoon swimming at a resevoir before pulling into the ranch that had been rented for the wedding.
I put my camera away for that and just enjoyed the wild few days of celebrating Joy and Drew.
My favorite social game
I'm NAU!
The partying was intense. Megan and I also worked through a bottle of gin on our own over those days...
I drove out of the ranch with maybe 16 breakfast burritos in my fridge.
Megs and I broke up the drive back to Flag with a stop at her parents' place in Albequerque. We swam in the third body of water (her parents' pool) for that trip. My goodness.