A Month of Wyoming

I really recommend you play this in HD.
A month ago I quit my job and moved into my car. Shortly after, two girls from Sweden moved into it with me.
Yes, it was crowded.
No, it wasn't as kinky as it sounds.
For two weeks Disa (Bara), Disa (Kålle) and I travelled around Wyoming. From Jackson to Wild Iris and back to Jackson again, then off to the east to explore Tensleep Canyon. With the Fourth of July on the horizon we drove through the northern end of Wyoming, returning to Jackson via the East entrance to Yellowstone.
Kålle gave up her spot in the car (and the state) to Erik, my third Swedish guest for the month. We went back to Wild Iris.
He, Disa, and I, along with friends from Utah, Washington, and Laramie, celebrated the Fourth on Limestone Mountain. Our final days there were rained out, but we kept the flame alive, so to speak.
Disa, Erik and I continued to climb at the Iris, where we were invited to a wedding an hour before it began. We attended wearing blood and chalk on our clothes and smiles on our faces.
When Disa left, Erik and I visited Ken in Laramie. We spent three days bleeding out in the sharp cracks at Vedauwoo, then rested by hiking a seven mile loop up and over Medicine Bow Peak in the Snowy Range. Our time together ended with hot springs, beer flights, and honest-to-god beds to sleep in (thanks Trudeau).
So many stories are hidden away in those simple paragraphs. I captured many of them in the 3500 photos I took over the month. Not everything, but lots of things.
Here's every one of those photos, unedited; a month of my life flying by at fifteen frames-per-second.