
March I moved back to Laramie and stayed all through April. It's been a wonderful time of relaxing into old friendships while forging new ones, time often spent gathered around coffee and beer.
Coffee & Beer
Food and drink were my habits for March when I wasn't good for much else. Cappuccinos and books at Coal Creek with Shane; cookies, coffee and chats at Night Heron with Maciej;
beers and pizza at the Crow with Kenneth and Catherine; more of the same with Heather and Nathaniel at the Alibi on Trivia Night.
Every chance the sky gave me I was out in the sun. The first shirtless afternoon passed in Ken's front yard. He was in Greece, Cat and I were on mats: she beering and working, me painting my gear purple with fingernail polish.
Here in April, my shoulder long free of any gory bandages, the outdoors have been more approachable. The snow is coming down right now, but the afternoon before this latest wintry assault commenced Maciej and I sat in a faux-summer stupor, drinking beers on the porch and enjoying each other's company.
The day before I flew to Dallas I had to pull over at Huck Finn Pond and try my best to capture the sunset. This made me late to Front Street where I had birthday drinks in honor of Laurel.
Eventually Jenn came home, and I got to spend time hanging out with her too. That was pretty wonderful.
Not at all long after I finished my thought about the pleasures of extended visits with old friends, Ken said to me
I know you've been bummed to not be going on climbing trips lately, but it's been really good having you around so much.