

Home to blood, tears, and the Gypses.

Bart's Circuit

skip the words, go right for the photos [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot off my success at Ten Sleep [], I was ready to make the

That Wyoming Granite

Normally I start a post with a quick sentence on where we were, followed by the lining up of the usual suspects and saying things like > There's Laurel, the up-and-coming

Spectating Vedauwoo

I made two trips to the 'Voo while Laramizing []. It's still not my turn to climb, but we keep getting closer. In the meanwhile I&

The Inbetweens

In-between longer trips, I'm still getting out with friends most days for a climb or three. Vedauwoo Spectreman On the last Sunday in October, I got to belay Ken, inspired by

At Home in September

Hearing "You boys are a long way from home" from over my shoulder as I'm bending down to slide my pack out of my truck is the sort of