
Across From Two Oceans

Disappointment Peak [] was swiftly followed up with more mellow slopes in Togwotee Pass, the mountain pass between the Tetons and Lander. Andrea, Martin and I first skied the

Disappointment Peak

Andrea beat me to the punch [] , but I've at last had a Saturday at home to edit photos. Wahoo! The crew was Andrea,

Hungry Hen at Disappointment Peak

Andrea []has put up another report of fun snow days, and this time around with a bunch of my pictures. Check out her chronicling of Disappointment Peak [http://hungryhen.

Park View Spring Skiing

Went for a bit of spring skiing just recently down in Park View with Maciej and Andrea []. She was nice enough to write up a report on it with

Winter is Coming (Somewhere)

Maciej and I went for a morning of backcountry last Thursday up on top of Medicine Bow Peak and got in a good four laps, making it home in time to shower and